Say No Without Guilt

Success depends on getting good at saying no without feeling guilty.
You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else’s projects.
You can only get ahead with your desired lifestyle if you are focused on the things that will produce that lifestyle.

Jack Canfield

Reconnect With Your Goals

I’m finding lately that I’m not doing as much to reach goals I wanted as I was doing a few weeks ago. It has reminded me that if we don’t reconnect with our goals, we can end up not working on them at all. It’s not enough to say, “I have this goal.” It won’t carry us through the long-term process. Life happens and it is easy to be distracted. I’ve read of more than one “top” guy taking time at least each week to reconnect with goals. I haven’t done this in weeks. I am doing it today; I even have my notebook, with all the details of my goals, beside me. I need a reminder of what I’m aiming for.

One goal revisited was sharing from “Reality Therapy in Action” (aka Counseling with Choice Theory). I’ve had to look at reality a bit and have come to the conclusion that as much as I love this book and think so many would learn so much from it, it’s not realistic for me to go through the book, at least not at this time. It’s quite complicated to decide what to share from what is mostly a collection of dialogues, with additional background information… It is a fantastic book, but there’s so much to it, I won’t be sharing more from it at this time.

This happens with goals. We get new information that makes us re-evaluate. Sometimes the re-evaluation actually spurs us to do more, to be more focused. Other times, it lets us let go of a goal. There’s nothing wrong with letting go of a goal when it doesn’t fit with your priorities. But you’t know if you don’t take the time to reconnect!

I’m taking the time to reconnect with my goals today. How about you?